


Cluttered Bookcase

Hi everyone, As part of our quarantine we’ve been cleaning out the house, removing 24 years worth of things we just don’t need, books included. While my library does accept book donations, they’re currently closed and they limit the amount Read More of this Think


Mushroom Barley Soup

Some Background I love a good mushroom barley soup. No doubt about it. And other than pea soup at my local Jewish deli, the one I love best is their mushroom barley soup. Well apologies to my deli, but after Read More of this Think

White Chicken Chili with Hominy – Skinny Taste


I purchased the Skinny Taste One and Done cookbook for my Kindle a while ago and now that fall is finally here, I decided to break it out along with my Instant Pot and start to do some cooking again 奇点加速器ios

Portugal Itinerary


Itinerary Background Okay quick background to our itinerary. My niece, Megan, is studying abroad this semester. So my sister in-law, ML, wanted to visit her and since my brother in-law was swamped with tax season, I got to go too! Read More of this Think

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The Shadow Rising

The Shadow Rising – Backstory Here it is a year later, and I’ve finally read The Shadow Rising. This is the fourth book in Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series. We pick up shortly where the third book left off, Read More of this Think


All the Ugly and Wonderful Things

All the Ugly and Wonderful Things by Bryn Greenwood My rating: 3 of 5 stars I read this book in two sittings. Technically, I started it back in the winter for my Book Club but I didn’t finish it in Read More of this Think

S is for Silence

S is for Silence

S is for Silence is the 19th book in Sue Grafton’s alphabet series. In it Daisy Sullivan hires our heroine, Kinsey Milhone, to find her mother, Violet Sullivan, some thirty-plus years vanished. Kinsey is reticent to take on such an 起点加速器 安卓

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